3 Signs That You Are a Candidate for Neck Lift Surgery in Naperville, IL

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Medical Facilities

These days, there are a variety of cosmetic treatments to benefit the face, but the options are limited for an aging neck. Fortunately, neck lift surgery is an effective solution for correcting the symptoms of aging in the area. If you’re interested in a neck lift in Naperville, IL, here are three signs that you may be a good candidate for this type of surgery.

Signs that You Are a Candidate for Neck Lift Surgery

1. You Have Neck Bands, Jowls, or Double Chin

A neck lift is a serious surgery, so it’s best to utilize it when there’s an actual need for it. The procedure begins with an incision that starts near the ears and extends around the back of the neck. From there, the surgeon removes excess skin and reshapes the area to appear contoured and smooth, effectively refining the jaw and neck areas.

2. You Have Appropriate Skin Laxity

While the surgery is reserved for adults with aging skin, it still requires some degree of elasticity to be successful. The elasticity is a necessary component for healing post-surgery, and it also contributes to natural-looking results.

3. You Are a Non-Smoker

Smoking affects circulation and blood pressure, which can contribute to surgical complications and hinder recovery. The ideal candidates for a neck lift in Naperville, IL, are non-smokers. For regular smokers, the surgeon will likely require them to quit smoking for two or more weeks before they undergo surgery.

Talk to an Expert

The best way to find out if you’re a candidate for a neck lift is to consult a trained expert. For more information about how a neck lift can benefit you, contact the knowledgeable staff at the Center for Cosmetic & Laser Surgery by visiting today.

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