Family Law Attorneys Do More Than Just Divorces

by | Dec 27, 2018 | Law Services

With the high rate of blended families in the country, there may be a time when you need to hire a family law attorney in Nassau County.

Most people think that a family law attorney only represents people in divorce. That is not true. There are many other issues related to families and couples in which they can handle.

Prenuptial Agreements

Family law lawyers can draft prenuptial agreements between two people before their marriage. A prenuptial agreement is a written contract that lists the owners of all of the property for each person, and it specifies the rights of each person for the stated property.

Prenuptial agreements are not just for the wealthy. Although they protect the assets of a person, they can be used to determine how separate property is divided or passed to upon death.

Child Support and Custody

Child custody and child support are touchy subjects for many separated couples. The person paying usually thinks it is too much and the person receiving it does not think it is enough. Having the lawyers battle this out is less stressful than you and the other person agreeing. Also, if the agreement is in the court order, then there are grounds to hold the person accountable for the payments.

Other Ares of the Law

While a family law attorney in Nassau County may handle divorces and family-related matters, some family law lawyers have developed specialties such as working with adoptions, guardianships, domestic violence, and child abuse.

If you need a family law attorney, then consider The Law office of Ketover & Associates. Their aggressive legal team of family law attorneys can represent you and fight for your rights in your divorce proceedings, child custody hearing, spousal support hearing, and other family law matters.

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