Why Cremation Is Your Best Funeral Option in Lake County, OH

by | May 10, 2022 | Funeral Home

Many people wonder about the best way to dispose of their bodies after they pass away. While there are certainly different methods from which one may choose, the overwhelmingly most popular one is cremation. There are many benefits to including this in the final funeral process in Lake County, OH.


When compared to the cost of a traditional funeral with a burial, simple cremation in Lake County, OH, is very inexpensive. By having your body cremated, you can avoid having to purchase a headstone and a casket, which are always big-ticket items in regard to cost.

Flexible Plans

If you plan on going the traditional route of a funeral process in Lake County, OH, there are really only two options that you have. You can either be buried underground in a grave or you can be interred above ground in a mausoleum. However, once the cremains are returned to your family or friends, you have many options. They can be sprinkled over a favorite part of your property, they can be blasted off into fireworks, made into a record album, and tons of other creative ways of disposal.

Simple Celebration

Generally, when someone chooses a simple cremation in Lake County, OH, they are looking for just a simple ceremony or celebration. They have made a conscious decision to forgo a dramatic funeral with a wake and pallbearers and the like.

If you are interested in cremation as your final funeral arrangements, please contact Monreal Funeral Home. They can go over all of your options.

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