If you have been searching for a way to make a difference, you may want to think about taking advantage of an opportunity to educate a child in Mali, Africa. A lot of people who have fortunate lives are looking for ways to help others who may not have been born into a life of freedom and comfort. However, it can be difficult to find situations that are outside of your realm of comfort. Within local communities, it can feel as if the only volunteer opportunities are not enough to truly change a life.
When you choose an opportunity abroad to change the life of a child that otherwise may not have had any chance for growth, you can experience the immense award that comes with your choice. When you educate a child in Mali, Africa you work with local village leaders indirectly and help them create better lives for the children within the village. In effect, you will not just be giving a child a book, but you will be teaching them how to read it which can be a transformative experience that opens the boundaries of the world to them outside of their village.
If you truly want to make a meaningful difference, consider donating to a group that has been working for over 35 years to improve the life of children in Mali. Just one small donation commitment is all it takes to start educating a child in Mali Africa. Learn more about Together We Lift Each Other. nc