If you have been hurt in an automobile accident, there is only one thing on your mind. You want to get treated as soon as possible. You’re scared and you don’t know how bad your injury is. Most people would head to the emergency room. That experience can be traumatic when you must wait in a hectic environment. You have another option. An injury clinic only deals with injuries caused by a variety of accidents or athletic incidents. You can turn to an auto injury doctor in Orange Park, FL, when a car accident has stopped you in your tracks.
Relieve Your Fears and Your Pain
Your auto injury doctor in Orange Park, FL, knows you are feeling overwhelmed with questions and concerns. Every effort will be made to find answers promptly. You’ll be examined by medical professionals who will look at your vital signs, talk to you about your pain, ask about symptoms, and send you for diagnostics. As soon as they know what is going on beneath the surface, they can treat your injuries.
Your Care Doesn’t Stop with Your Initial Treatment
Why should you go to an urgent care facility that specifically treats injuries rather than a typical urgent care center or ER? These healthcare professionals are trained to look for hidden injuries that are much overlooked in a general urgent care centers or even the ER. An ER treats life or death injuries and if your injuries don’t present with an extreme need of care you may leave with large ER bill with only a follow up care, which only delays getting crucial treatment in the early stages of an injury. This is not good for a quick recovery process. Going with experienced physicians who focus only on injuries is your best choice because they are trained to look for and getting to the source of your pain takes a thorough exam immediately following an accident related injury. Ordering proper diagnostic testing helps to ensure you’re getting the proper treatment for injuries as well for a quick recovery.
Your injury clinic is here for you beyond your first visit. Your auto injury doctor in Orange Park, FL, will help you with any follow-up visits to monitor your progress. If you are faced with pain after an auto injury, you’ll be given options for pain management. Learn about the comprehensive services offered by Injury Care Centers at www.web.net.