The Main Benefits of Moving into Pet Friendly Apartments for Students

by | Oct 18, 2021 | Student Housing Center

As a non-traditional college student, you may have entirely different lifestyle needs than those of traditional students. You might be married, for example, or have children. You also may have several pets that are part of your family.

Most on-campus housing and dormitories do not allow students to bring their pets with them to live while going to school. However, you can keep your cat, dog, or other animal family members while still going to college by moving into one of the pet-friendly apartments in Norman, OK.

Keeping Your Family Pets

When pets are an important part of your family, you do not want to sacrifice them just to go to college. You want to keep them in your household and find a place to live that will welcome them along with the rest of your family.

When you move into apartments that are friendly toward pets, you can bring your cat, dog, or other animal companions. You avoid having to give your pets away to family members or friends just to go to college. You also avoid having to find a place that is out in the country or far away from campus to live.

You can remain living in the pet-friendly apartments in Norman, OK, by making sure your pets meet the requirements. Your landlord might require them to be vaccinated and under a certain weight. Find out more about by contacting Alight 12th Ave at

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